Sunday 21 February 2016

5 Easy Steps To Find Your Books’ Worth

In this era of online bookstores and huge bombardment of information aimed at pushing sales of the books, almost every author (especially those with their first book) are too confused about their own book.
It seems really scary to think what if my book fails to draw attention of readers, what if no one understands what I wanted to say, etc etc.
But trust me, thousands of authors getting their books published every day, this confusion is natural. Have you heart hold back and follow the following five steps.
Before publishing your books online:

1.READ YOUR BOOK AS A READER: For this you first need to come out of your book’s frame. It is natural for an author to get involved into his/her book, but just shut the book off. Put it aside and forget about it for few days may be a week. Get engaged in other activities. Once you feel refreshed and out of the books frame. Sit down and start reading it. I am sure majority of your apprehensions will be solved.

2. ASK YOUR LESSER CLOSE ACQUAINTANCES TO READ THE BOOK: Yes, once you have read it as a reader send it to some of your acquaintances to read. But be very clear in not sending it to pretty close ones, and send it to diversified list of people. Because, from the close ones there are chances that you get prejudiced reviews and it should come from diversified group of people because readers are like that.

3. READ AGAIN: Yes, once you get the reviews and find some to be worthy of adopting please think and go ahead do it. Once you are done, run an edit for typos, sentence framing etc. Once you are ready with your new manuscript again keep it aside and try to come out of its frame and re read it. Yes, you will find a lot of things that you missed correct it. By this time I hope you have got half of your answer.

4. NICHE CHECKING: Now after you are ready. Browse online bookstores, check out the books of the genre in which you suppose your book to be. Buy books online and read them (atleast a couple of them). While reading you will automatically compare it with your book as they both belong to the same genre. It will also give you a feel of the book. This step could be taken during initial stages too, but again there is a danger of too much influence of the books on your own writing. Like others you have an independent style of writing, just try to hold the nerve of readers, don’t let it impact your story’s basics.

5. LITMUS TEST: Now that you are ready with your book, upload it for sales on various online bookstores where you can publish your book for free and readers can buy books online after you upload them. The response from the readers will answer rest all your questions. One more thing do try to connect directly and get the views of the readers personally.

Happy Reading & Writing!

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